
Welcom To Irix Forum

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Welcome to our new Blogspot

On behalf of the Iris&Ixora security program Chairman and committee members, we would like to welcome all residents to join us in contributing ideas and making our security program a success.

As a start we would like to recap the result of our last meeting held besides the SD9/6 guard house on November 22, 2009 at 5 pm.
  • Garuda Security has been awarded the contract to provide security services for our zone, i.e., Jalan Kenanga SD9/6 - SD9/9 (a.k.a Iris and Ixora)
  • There are about 200 unit of houses in our zone
  • 157 houses participate so far (78%)
  • Expenses: RM9,600 per month for Garuda Security
  • Plan for CCTV in the future
  • Cynthia was appointed external auditor
  • Issue of toilet facility for guards was raised, but the decision was deferred to a later date
  • Payment by cheques only
  • A notice board will be installed near the guard house
  • Use of email and sms to disseminate information to residents
  • A report on incidents either monthly or quarterly is required (for newsletter and to share with police). Garuda Security to provide the report.
  • payment is due in December 2009. Please make your payment promptly to ensure continuous success of our security program.
  • Please send any feedback to our official email:

Let's keep our neighborhood safe. Be responsible and contribute to a good cause. Thank you for caring.

1 comment:

  1. In the 22/Nov meeting, we highlighted the loose control of visitor who has skipped to fill up the detail to obtain for visitor pass.
    We still observed the same manner above which visitor seemed can enter our IrIx zone easier than expected.

    Some visitors can go through the security without filling up the detail and our guards can compromise for this skip.
    I think the guard will slowly loose the credibility with this bypass. The guards looked nothing wrong with this skip and used to this practice gradually.
    We already have the procedure. The guard just needs to enforce the procedure without fail with our full support here.

    We also highlighted the visitor car is blocking the entrance which requesting for visitor or asking for detail.
    I would suggest putting a sign board before the entrance security post like, Visitor car to park/wait here (left side) to obtain for visitor pass; if can draw a packing box would be better.

    Wern @ SD9/8
